Reiki II
Well, this weekend was a big one. I have just done my Reiki level II. As expected it was quite full on. I've still got one more session tonight - but that's mainly just getting the certificate and doing some group Reiki. Saturday was good - had the attunement and basically I felt great, energised, and slept well that night. Sunday I awoke refreshed, but the day was loooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg and exhausting. Good, but long. I ended up feeling extremely ill last night, with a migraine, vertigo and nausea and headed to bed early. I'm not sure if it was the early night, or what, but I awoke at 2am and couldn't get back to sleep!! I did finally fall asleep again for an hour or so and am pleased that this morning I'm feeling MUCH better than last night.
This morning I have been sitting and contemplating things. Life. My work. I'm really feeling ready to start my counselling practise now. I can also see how the Reiki can fit nicely in with it. It's funny, I came into my adulthood feeling as if I were a physical healer, which led me to do my medical degree. I have completely enjoyed learning about the body and have always felt that physical healing could be done, altered by 'outside' methods. Now I see that that power comes from within (obviously I've been coming to this realisation for a long while now, hence the counselling diploma), but until perhaps now, I still felt that it was good to back up this internal healing with an external source. I've always felt pulled to do other modes of healing - naturopathy, acupuncture, kinesiology, homeopathy... but for some reason I never learned them. I still love these methods, don't get me wrong, but I now feel that I don't need to do it as for the first time I'm feeling that the power of the mind is ALL that is needed. It is SUCH an incredible thing, this internal power we each have. The other methods are there merely to help support us until we are strong enough to take control by ourselves. In my counselling I aim to show people that they have this control themselves, that they are able to heal themselves, support themselves and live their own lives with utter freedom. Reiki is a loving, supporting energy that can help to boost people into their own strength. It helps clear the blocks to help booster their own self belief. I like it. It's gentle, yet powerful, and helps to centre people without pulling them off balance and making them self-reliant on an outside source. I know when I personally started my healing journey, I saw each of the practisioners as 'my saviour' in a way. I thought they'd 'fix' me. I didn't realise they were there to support me while I 'fixed' myself. Even until recent times I still felt that an external person had to be there to help me. I still go into that mode of thinking every now and again and have to consciously snap myself out of it. If I want to heal it's up to me. If I want control over my life I need to take control of my mind and take the ultimate responsibility for everything that happens to me.
I'm still growing, I'm still flowing and that's great. That means I'm still alive in this physical plane. I have opted to have this physical life and I'm now here to enjoy it. See the wonder of the world. See the wonder that is others. Feel them and know them as their eternal, beautiful souls. See the colours, feel the emotions, feel the love and head toward the light. If it is beautiful I want to go there. If it attracts me I want to go there. If it is exciting and challenging and uplifting I want to go there.
Life is good.