A moment of clarity
Today I had a moment of clarity. One of those supreme 'wow' moments when you know you are connected fully to your true self and can see things as they really are.
Ahhhh - such wonderful, awe-inspiring moments... I always try to hang on to them for as long as I can when I feel them, knowing they won't last.
Although now I question - why do I feel that? Why can't they last?
During this moment of which I speak, I saw that life happens. Hard stuff, good stuff, easy stuff. If we can just ride through the hard stuff - breathe through it, knowing, REALLY knowing that it is merely a moment and will pass. All bad/hard times always do. In that knowing, in that realisation that it will pass, feel the moment for what it is, in all its contrast-producing, difficult, yet often passionate glory. Breathe, watch it. Slow it down. Feel it fully, because that moment will soon be history and life will once again be shining its glorious light.
At least that's the way it is for me. I know sometimes those tunnels of darkness can be long. Heck, I've been there. I wonder if perhaps they wouldn't have been so long if I hadn't become emotionally involved so much. Don't feel the pain, express the pain or be the pain. Just watch the pain and see it from a higher perspective.
Today Jenn was irritable. It was hot. We were getting ready for a party. There was expectation, stress. The kids got cranky - we all did. In a moment of frustration, I suddenly was struck with this bolt of clarity. I called her into join me. I said to her 'honey, you need to centre yourself. Come in with me (I was in the shower), shut the door (so her little bro couldn't disturb us) and sit on the toilet seat. Breathe in and out. In and out. Centre yourself, bring yourself back in to this moment. Listen to your breathe. Know that all is well.'
And it was. Perfect. Centred. Both of us.
Taking that time to realise that the discomfort is just a momentary thing - a moment sprung from ego - and that's all it was - and riding through it and centring and seeing it as it was, helped to bring in the light.
It was an amazing realisation for me and for her. Once again, all was good.
After that moment all, once again WAS good and the rest of the day flowed so beautifully, regardless of the fact that it was busy and incredibly hot.
Taking the time to quiet the mind and centre when you feel the tug of being out of balance does wonders.
All is good.
Thanks :-)
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