Wobbly waters
I've had an interesting time lately. Calm, peaceful and happy with a few big granades thrown at me to see how I cope...
Mostly I have done well. I am aiming for calm waters even amongsth the storm. I lost my footing for a day there, but gained it again and I'm all good again now.
I have realised my support network has improved and this has been my saviour. Although I aim to be able to cope alone no matter what, it is so much easier with help from loving family and friends...
Yesterday I had a big shift. An issue came and passed of which I wasn't consciously aware. I just felt the physical manifestations throughout the day.
I also have reconnected with a primary school friend who has also been on a strong spiritual path. His birthday is near mine and we share many similaries in thought. It has been invigorating having a strong spiritual connection again - someone to discuss the workings of my mind, even though our chats at this stage have been brief.
It is nice to feel connected, to feel the workings of the universe. I am feeling very open and exposed at the moment. Feeling so much. I'm trying not to think of situations as being either good or bad, just that they are. I'm feeling, noticing and moving through situations and going with the flow, avoiding judgement or trying to block or resist it in any way.
Mostly it is working well.
Today I enjoyed a good jump on the trampoline with my son to ground after such a spiritual 'in my head' week. It was good. I think we might head into the bush now for a picnic. The weather is ominous and squally but that is when I feel so alive. Energies are obvious and palpable. Reminds me well and truly that I am alive and that all is well.
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