Hot summer daze
And a daze it's been...
Wow, it's been hot of late. And humid. Rains just enough to completely fill the air with moisture but with no relief to the temperature level. Seriously tropical. Sending everyone a little balmy, to be honest, especially seeing as the temp isn't even dropping at night...
Master M is still reacting badly to food chemicals. This morning I let him have a gluten-free muesli bar (which had sultanas in it) and oh boy! All day I have regretted the move. He's now on a full ban for anything with amines, salycilates, colours, flavours, preservatives, gluten, dairy... so that basically leaves pears, potatoes, garlic, gluten-free bread, hommus and meat! Or anything I have baked especially for him. Full on. Seriously full on. The poor kid. He was seriously off-beam in a very bad way and just could NOT help himself being a very naughty boy all day long. Lesson learned. Once I have him levelled out again I'm going to the doc this time to make an appointment with a dietician. Gluten free and dairy free is doable. Amine and salycilate issues on top is just too hard. There are only so many ways you can cook pear!!!
*sigh* Okay so this blog hasn't really gone down the track I have wanted to go today. I guess it's been a difficult day to keep my thoughts in a purely positive direction.
There have been joys today. I just had a meditation session with Miss J. A very enjoyable guided-meditation today (last night we listened to an instrumental disc). I've only just got back into meditation with her (after Master M broke the CD player) and she was HANGING for her meditation tonight. Really hanging for it! I was so pleased with her. She's still at the fidget a lot stage. She has been pretty hyped up lately - it may take her a while to get back into meditating properly. I asked her today if she wants to start doing yoga with me too and she was very keen. Unfortunately we only have once a week when we can do it without Master M around (he'll be at kindy), but that is better than nothing. I really need need NEED to do it again too.
I am seriously at the point when I need to heal this body of mine. I'm doing my best to address any negative thinking and change it to a more positive tone when I become aware of it. I'm doing better. I also need to laugh more and I'm feeling that with my improved thoughts this will slowly improve. I know that I will feel better again once Master M has levelled out again with a basic diet. Today I felt the familiar chest pains that told me I was stressed and focussing on what I shouldn't... all in good time and it will improve, I know. For the moment I'm back to meditating every night, having early (ish) nights, and hopefully can add some yoga to the mix. I've been using Reiki on myself a lot more again too (not that I ever stopped - it's always a part of my day). I have put it out to the universe that I wish to do my second level soon and am hoping to have Ann, my Reiki Master, suggest a time that will suit me. I know the universe can make miracles happen so I'm hoping for one on that score.
So, today was good. Lot's of contrast to show me ever so clearly what it is I actually do want (calm kids! peace! quiet!). I read some more of Sara with Miss J before bed and we had a lovely peaceful end to the day. Master M fell asleep quickly which was very much a relief, considering the state he was in. Oh, and we bought another Siamese fish to replace Joey, who passed on. This one looks just like Joey did AND he has the same shy personality. Miss J has decided to call him Joey too, so that's pretty cool.
And now, I finally have my peace. My darling husband has just passed me a disc he found on his desk (he's tidying, trying to rediscover his desk)and it has beautiful relaxing music on it which I'm now playing in the laptop. Nice! A lovely end to the day.
All's well.
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