Friday, January 16, 2009

The week that was

I've had a week full of blessings. The bathroom was finished and the coffee area done enough to be functional for the year, so we decided to go camping after all. Thank goodness we did.

Tuesday we packed the car and the trailer and headed off to the rainforest. Three nights of bliss. Calm, quiet. Warm (hot!) weather, cool nights... Kookaburra's, snakes (pythons - just gorgeous!), spiders, birds aplenty. Just wonderful and so very soothing. The kids loved it. We camped on the most gorgeous creek which gave the kids plenty of time to climb over rocks and splash about happily. I even managed to get some time in for a bit of a read, which was lovely! Our stove 'broke' (it appeared the gas line was blocked) so we 'had' to cook all meals over the open fire and it was wonderful. Delicious. I'm not sure why, but food just seems to taste SO much better when it's cooked outdoors over an open flame. There was a pool at the campground also, so we ended the last two days with a nice bathe and clean off and that was just great after the heat of the day. I'm not sure how hot it did actually get but it felt as if it were about 35 degrees. The rainforest was deliciously cool though and the nights were so delightful they actually required us to wear jumpers and tracksuit pants. Perfect. Just delightful.

Now we are home, the kids are tucked in bed and JB is downstairs readying the van for work tomorrow (yes, we are back to normal!).

Life is good.


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