Monday, December 8, 2008

Quick thought analysis

Okay, so after an hour and a half this morning I have realised that my vibrational level does NOT sit in the positive area that I thought it did. It is sitting around the area of frustration on the emotional scale. I watched my thoughts non-judgmentally this morning and have easily seen that I am frustrated and push against almost everything my children do. Especially Matt. He wants to do everything, even if it involves climbing up bookshelves etc and I spend most of my day frustrated and pushing against what he wants (even if it is for his safety). I've GOT to stop doing that and allow myself to move through the days without being drawn out of my vortex and into his. I guess by not allowing him to do things I'm pulling both of us away from source. Now the trick is how the heck do I do that??? How do I allow a two year old to do all they want without having him hurt himself or having the place turn into total chaos??

I am babysitting two kids again this morning, so when they leave I'll pull out my copy of 'Ask and it is given' and see if I can see a process that suits.


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