The Art of Allowing
Today was awesome. My very good friend Mandi and I went to an Abraham-Hicks seminar down the coast and it was as good as I thought it would be. Seeing Esther and Jerry was amazing. Seriously amazing.
Thinking through what was covered while in such a high vibrational atmosphere, I got a chance to think about my life as it stands. Clearly I have health issues. Which as Abraham pointed out is ridiculous, as it just means I'm not connected to source as I'm thinking negative thoughts. Now, I've had some issues my entire life (headaches, menstrual probs), which is not that surprising as my Dad is THE biggest worry wart in the world. He'd have to at least be equal anyway LOL. So I guess I was taught to worry from an expert. Then as I aged I met JP who introduced me to life without worry, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Most of my health issues, however, began after having kids. Now I have mentioned my kids here before. They are certainly my biggest challenge. I have always considered myself an optimist but I seriously do struggle being around kids so much as I don't have a chance to just 'be' without constantly be asked questions, to wait on them and intercept fights, settle disagreements, defend myself against barrages of all kinds... this has especially been tough in the past three years as JB works 7 days a week mostly so I have no back up and anyone to look after them while I have some 'me' time. I do have them in kindy now, but only while I'm working or studying, so I'm afraid it really hasn't been enough to cover the stress I feel under from always being on the go. I used to meditate at night, but lately fall into bed exhausted and haven't had the energy to do so.
SO... I guess what I realised today is that my negativity and crankiness with the kids is stopping me from connecting with source and keeping me sick, so it's GOT to stop, for all of our sake.
So, my task is to reconnect myself to source and to feel good again to allow well-being into my life.
The first thing I need to do is throughout the day stop to appreciate my kids. See them from a higher perspective and stop to see them as the perfect little beings that they are. They're only being rascals as a way of trying to keep themself connected to source, not to purposely hurt me or anything.
I also need to take time out for me. Stop, sit, meditate. Walk in the bush without the kids. I need to schedule this time with hubbie and write it up or it isn't going to happen.
And I need to appreciate all that is in my life in general (not just the kids).
My mission this week is to do all of these three things and see how I feel.
Now, I'm going to take panadol and head for bed. I was too excited to sleep last night so I have a serious sleep deprivation headache right now.
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