Friday, December 5, 2008

Well another day is done and here I am sitting out on my front deck, enjoying the peace and the sound and gorgeous smell of falling rain. Ahhhh. My senses are being soothed...

It's been a good day. Today has been like any other day. It was my study day, hubby has gone on a road trip for work so I helped stack the van and get him ready to go, I had five children playing in the backyard this arvo... apart from hubbie going away not a whole lot was different. No extra special tasks and conversely my workload wasn't any lighter than it usually is. BUT I don't feel exhausted. I feel better. I feel... happier. And you know what the difference is? My boy was EASIER!!! Yes, the kids still did a whole lot of fighting and yes, he still mucked up at times and went into time out a few times, but MAN what a difference. Most of the time he was calm and attentive. He played calmly by himself tonight. And best of all, he went to bed with only a couple of minutes of fuss. Oh my, what a difference changing his diet is doing. I'm amazed. I'm stoked. We even had pudding tonight - golden syrup pudding, which previously I would have thought would have sent him troppo, but seeing as it's food chemicals that is doing it, not sugar,he was perfectly FINE after it. Calm as calm can be. WOW!!! I'm now starting to become interested in finding out what taking the chemicals out of MY diet is going to do. Reading a bit of Sue Dengate's book last night, I discovered that people with Meniere's disease have found improvement with cutting out salicylates and amines. I have had health issues - headaches, menstrual problems, liver problems, thyroid issues, meniere's disease - you know, whole body problems - my entire life - could this actually be the cause??!!!! I had a clairvoyant tell me four years ago that I had a lot of food intolerances... perhaps this is it?!! Well I've decided to do the full elimination diet with Master M and Miss J too. I can trace signs of food intolerance through my family tree, so it makes sense to me that at the very worst it's going to make some improvement - at the very best it may change my world. For someone who's had a headache most days of her life, this is big. HUGE. IF it works, but you know, this feels right, like I'm onto something big here. I can't wait to see the response in myself. Tonight I cooked some chicken to slice for lunches/sandwiches. I also made some pear sauce (to use instead of tomato sauce). Might have to do that one again - I followed the recipe and it's way too salty. Might taste nice on meat though. It was pretty easy though, so I can definitely handle doing that. I also need to make some pear jam. And tomorrow - pear muffins and GF slice. I need to make enough to feed the kids fully on Sunday as they'll be going to the neighbours all day while I'm at the Hicks seminar.

I wonder if my hubby has arrived at Grafton yet? I miss him already... I do love my husband a lot. He has a wonderful heart and I love that. I'm going to miss snuggling up to him tonight. The kids were pretty upset with him going. They love him too. We had a good night though and they were okay. Let's see how they go through the weekend, especially on Sunday when Mummy isn't here either. Luckily they'll be having so much fun playing with their friends and going to a Christmas party that they probably won't even notice I'm not there.

Well I'm off to have a shower and snuggle into bed. Night!


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