Saturday, November 8, 2008


This morning I have awoken with a sense of joy.

Why? I don't know, just have. Although af has finally arrived this morning and I am feeling 'unblocked' and freeer (how do you spell free-er?) than I have done for two weeks. WHAT a relief! I don't like it when my body is playing tricks on me. I wonder what it was that held it back??

Anyway, the weather is also breathing a sigh of relief today. Last night it was still over 30 in the house while I was trying to sleep (I had resisted the urge to turn the air con on) and this morning it is drizzly and LOVELY and cool. Oh how I love the cleansing rain. Every bit of my body says 'ahhhhhhh, that's better!'

Hubbie is working all weekend, so it's just the kids and I - I wonder what we'll do? Rain and not being able to drive is a slight issue. Might have to dwell on that and pray to the universe that something will come along...

I went to a beading *show* (kind of - more of a warehouse that sells their wares by travelling around the country) - I bought so many beautiful beads and things, all ready to start making some (hopefully) gorgeous Christmas presents. I've decided I'm going to have a beads 'n' kids get together at my place on Tuesday mornings. I have a couple of friends with kids who love beading and it is so hard to get time to make jewellery when kids are around.... but when they're all having fun and playing around us together, I think it'll work nicely. I can't wait!

Urgh. Just fell off the chair and almost hurt myself then. I have Meniere's dis-ease (inner ear disorder) which causes me to lose my balance and fall over randomly (which is why I can no longer drive). Another interesting unknown disease in my life. Used to be very debilitating, now it's much less severe (no vomiting) and really only affects me by preventing me from driving. I'll talk about it one day here when I'm ready. It's usually something I don't talk about. It freaks other people out, I've had people accuse me of making it up (not anyone who sees me often and has witnessed it) but most importantly because I really don't want to talk about things that I don't want in my life because of the Law of Attraction. I do think though that I will need to talk about that here one day, to get it off my chest. There's quite a lot of pain and hurt tied up in the history of this dis-ease for me. Mostly I just want to know how to move on past it? I KNOW that when it first hit I had shocking life balance. Doing a career that wasn't right for me, working very long hours, no relaxation, always stressed - it's no wonder it hit. I have been working on that for the past six years and I think it's high time it moved on!!!

Although my life is still very chaotic at times... but I AM fulfilled. I love what I do (mostly), I live consciously, I live for the most part in the now (although I am aware that I think too much which does pull me out of present moment awareness a lot - but my awareness on that is growing, and this is partly why I am blogging, so that I can get some of those thoughts out and down so that I can be more present).

Anyway, on that note, I'm off to prepare some gluten-free pancakes for the little fairies of the household.

Have a wonderful day!!


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