Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Now I was talking about time on a previous post, mentioning what a very funny thing it is. I was watching tele the other day and saw something from 1991 and I thought 'gee I thought it was longer away than that, that is not that long ago'. Then I worked it out and 1991 was 17 years ago - OMG. OMG! I was stunned that that was so long ago.

Another 'weird' time moment hit me today when I was watching the kids play in the backyard and I suddenly had a sense of how they would see me, as I flashed back to how I saw my mum and my friend's mums when I was a kid. They were 'old'. They were MUMS, not kids like me. But hang on, I'm older now than they were then, or at least the same age. I'm NOT a kid!! But I feel like one. I don't feel any older now than I was then. I'm still a kid. Surely?

I definitely felt universal today. Immortal. Timeless. These last 17 years were just a blur because they were just a blur to my higher self.

An interesting day.


At Tue Nov 11, 10:40:00 PM GMT+10 , Blogger Crazy Mumma said...

LOL of course your still a kid! Please, don't burst that bubble yet, i'm still wanting to be a kid too. It is funny when you think about what your folks were like when you were a kid. Mine always seemed 'old' too, i'm wondering if its cause they were so protective of me. Hmm anyway LOL

Getting older sucks, mainly because people expect you to grow up!

At Wed Nov 12, 09:23:00 AM GMT+10 , Blogger Pale Pink Aura said...

Yeah, I'm all for having Peter Pan syndrome! Here's to NEVER growing up!


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