Ahhhhhh. Sitting is GOOD.
Life moves on, rather rapidly...
I'm finding it hard to believe it is the end of the school holidays already. The last six weeks have literally flown by. I guess that happens when you're busy. Unfortunately it means that all of my work has been on hold, but I have managed to organise a lot, so all is good.
Today I spent cleaning out the office and kitchen. I have moved my laptop back into the office and now am feeling ready to hit the new year head on. Hmmm. Not really the saying I was after. Now I'm ready to flow with the new year. Better :-)
It has been a busy time, and now I feel glad to have finally organised things. Miss J is ready for school (well, almost - I've still got a bit of contacting books to do). I've organised a little school desk for her, which thankfully Master M is respecting as her space. She is really getting into reading and writing and she needed a space to do so all of her own this year. This also means I was able to reclaim my desk back, which she'd been 'sharing'. Sharing to the point that I no longer fitted there, but that is changed and it is once again mine. Although, her special box full of crystals, her salt lamp and a kuan yin female buddha is there too, so I'm happy to share when she feels the need for some peace.
One thing I am feeling very blessed for is seeing my husband finally start to ground with all of the organisation that is occuring around him. He really felt the strain of the end of the year/chaos and the poor man has not been himself. Today we had an informal business meeting of sorts and it was such a pleasure to see him dreaming again and SMILING!!!! It seems I have a very sensitive family that is easily put out of balance. Is everyone like that? It is my biggest pleasure to see them all regain that internal balance and begin to flow with life again. So very pleasing.
Life is good.
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