Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another week has disappeared - where did February go?

Another week has passed in a bleary daze. It always seems to take a while for me to manifest good sleep after I've set my mind to it. I have had a few good nights sleep since my last post, but unfortunately not yet in a row.

That's okay, it'll happen.

Today my little girl has had a friend from school stay over. They had such a lovely time until bath time when it hit home to Miss P that her mum wasn't going to be here tonight. She was pretty sad. She cried through dinner and afterwards I read the girls a book and put a guided meditation for kids (filled with fairies and mermaids) for them to listen to. Tears fell again so I lay with her, gave her Reiki for 10 - 15 minutes (I didn't want to give her more as she hasn't had Reiki before and would have needed a full three treatments then as it would have started her healing) - but it was just enough to calm her. I stayed with her until she was asleep and finally left to see that everyone had fallen asleep. Even hubbie. I shooed him off to bed and for the first time in I really don't know how long he actually had an early night. Oh he SO needed it. I thank the universe for that wonderful thing. He runs himself ragged and refuses to calm down. His turbo button is well and truly stuck on.

Ahhh, it's a busy life.

All is good.


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