Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And a year has passed...

It's been a while since I've blogged. Some would say I've had a life! In fact I have. Quite a busy and colourful one!

I have discovered a whole different, busy life... I've certainly moved on from where I was this time last year!!! I have different friends, different work (voluntary work)... It has been a great year in some aspects. I have discovered some wonderful people, have many new friends with many common interests. I am feeling fulfilled in so many ways.

In other aspects it has been one of the worst years. Money is very low, we are going backwards in that regard. Even our superfund went into receivership.

And balance, well, I have lost that.

So, with the busy-ness that has lifted my boredom and given me inspiration, comes overload, getting stuck in my head and lots of stress, anger and its repercussions.

I am now striving to regain that balance but it's proving difficult. I'm seriously in need of some blinkers so that I can ignore the bad (and oh, how I've created a lot of that!!!) and visualise what I actually want to replace what I currently am manifesting.

At least I have clarity, so I guess that's a start.

And courage to make change... yes, I have that too. Now I just need to remember to pray for help to help manifest the change that my family and I need to thrive.

A piece I wrote to see which writer is like my writing style ;-)

Life. It's an interesting scenario. Full of life, emotion, colour... and just as you think you've worked it out, it throws you something to show you just how wrong you really are.

Welcome to my world. I guess that line above sounds quite cynical, but in reality I'm far from that. Mostly I find life to be fun. I enjoy it, enjoy the experiences. I'm constantly trying to work it out and in my mind's eye I feel I have. And then the hormones kick in. Hormones - now THOSE I haven't worked out yet.... ahhh to be able to get rid of them all together - now THAT would be nice. I don't think I'd be the only person in my family who'd like for me to get rid of my hormones either!

Mostly I live a life striving for balance. My heart yearns for peace, for solitude, for inner bliss and zen. My mind races on a whole different tangent, sometimes taking me on a busy journey for months before I consciously STOP and go within and again remind myself that busy-ness isn't all there is. I long for daily balance, where my fast, intellectual mental side is balanced well with my spiritual, calm side. I feel these two parts of my persona - my yin and yang as it were - are my strengths. My life purpose is to be able to balance them. Only once I can do this successfully will I be able to fulfill my second life purpose, which is to be able to help others to find their own internal balance.

Deep? Yes, that's me. I like to think and that's often my trouble - I think too much. But it's who I am, so I'm happy.