Monday, July 9, 2012

In the gaps between the noise

Today as I sat and looked out the window from my desk I suddenly came into awareness that my ears were ringing incredibly loudly.   I chose that moment to listen to the noise, really listen to the noise.    As I did so I realised that my eyes weren't focussing either, but were darting about the place, trying to find somewhere to land... a most bizarre feeling.   As I continued to listen to the noise in my ears I suddenly stepped down to a place where the noise faded... a place that felt like I was near, but not in the noise.    With time my eyes settled their jumping and began to slow and relax.  

How interesting that I (we?) manage to get ourselves into such a tightly wound place, just doing every day things.   Today I have been struggling a bit, I will acknowledge.   Some days I really miss the carefree days of my childhood.   I never needed to worry or plan in advance.   I could enjoy the moment and just 'be'. 

I am aware that as an adult I can also be this carefree... in theory...  But how to get there... that is the question.